MMA Tycoon - Sports Manager

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MMA Tycoon - #1 MMA Sports Management Game. Free MMA / UFC fan sim game! MMORPG.

MMA Tycoon is a FREE TO PLAY online sports manager game for Mixed Martial Arts, populated by 1000s of UFC fans from around the world. If you like the UFC game, give us a try too!======= Open beta of the app: If you have any issues with the app not loading certain pages its because your app browser doesnt handle Javascript very well. You can access it as a mobile site at site in your proper browser, which should work. Full game at has been live since 2009. App conversion of game launched Feb 2016. If you have any issues with functionality, please mail me in game (username MMATycoon / ID 155) and Ill get it sorted asap. Functionality tends to be better on newer phones but its functional on most devices and the main site ( will work on a phone as well. =======Create and manage your own MMA fighters to the title in one of the regional MMA promotions or take it to the next level and go for the title of pound for pound best MMA fighter on the planet.Every fighter or company within the game is managed by a real life user, making MMA Tycoon an intense and rewarding gaming experience. When you sign your MMA fighter to a promotion, youre signing with a real user - the same goes for buying t-shirts, nutrition products, training at a gym - theyre all owned and run by other users within the game.---The main part of the game involves creating your own MMA fighters, training them in one of the gyms and managing tactics for their fights when they get into the cage. Come fight time, the result is out of your hands. Our highly complex fight engine takes the tactics from both fighters, along with their statistical attributes and calculates the fight using a move-by-move text based commentary system.Your success or failure will depend on your ability to prepare your fighter as best as you can, then send him into the cage to do his part of the bargain. So are you the ultimate MMA manager?---Maybe just managing fighters isnt enough for you! Do you fancy yourself as the next Dana White and think you can create the next UFC? Or maybe you want to be the next Tapout crew?If you want to become the ultimate MMA Tycoon, its time to start building your business empire! Whilst the creation and management of fighters is free and always will be, if you become a VIP member (for just $10), you can create one of the in game companies, including;- Fight organizations- Gyms- Clothing companies- Nutrition companies- Bookmakers- Fight alliancesAll of these companies have their own ranking, so there is more to aim for than just the honor of managing the best fighter in the world. VIP members also get loads of other cool features like fight stats, scorecards, training assistant tools, blogs, custom fighter avatars and much more.

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Don't listen to any reviews hating on the game especially if they haven't played it for atleast 6 months. There is a lot to learn about this game and joining MMATycoons discord and taking part in the community definitely helps you learn. The game is based on real time, attributes, and setting sliders. There is multiple cities in the game and within every city is multiple fight orgs, gyms, clothing companies, and nutrition supplement companies. Each individual company is owned by a REAL PLAYER.

Timothy Orsette

I can't find my previous review but this game is so good I have to review it again! I've been looking for a great MMA game and this one had all I was looking for and more features too. Best fight engine, unlimited choices, create a fighter to your taste, train him wisely and watch him wreck everyone else in this huge world of MMA- Hugsntugs

Max Roger

Hands down the best tycoon style game online and definetly the best MMA simulation there is. The fight tactics are extremely detailed which adds a great deal of strategy for MMA fans of how you would go about beating your opponent. Community is also extremely helpful in learning the game for new players. If you joing feel free to PM CelticStryder if you have any questions

Todd Westacott

One of the best tycoon style games I have ever played. If you are an MMA fan or like the idea of managing a roster of fighters or running a company this game is for you. The VIP is totally worth it for the value added to your playing experience. Jason Swanson

Todd Walton

I have no idea how this game works and I've downloaded like 9 times over the course of 3 years and I've never been able to set up a fight like what the hell

Jondy Bones

Great game 10/10 - Goat Man

Ibbi Boi

thsi game wont let me join i tryed to type my username and password still no work

Melissa Dellaposta

5 stars, Highly recommended - DamoJones

Damo Jones

Cant register in-app, can't create Manager Profile


Slow paced, snail progression, micromanagement hell. Outdated and no signs of updates.

Ben Stone